Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Book 7 of 2024 -- Where the Light Fell

 Many years ago Philip Yancey's book What's So Amazing About Grace? was suggested to me and I read it. The book made a big impression on me so when I saw this memoir by Yancey while browsing one day I thought I would give it a try. Besides I always enjoy memoirs as reading material in general.

Yancey talks about his strict, one would even say rigid, fundamentalist upbringing and how both he and his brother had their rebelliousness against that rigidity. How such an grace-less legalistic upbringing (as he describes it) led eventually to a faith based so heavily on God's grace is somewhat amazing. In some ways his brother's form of rebellion and reaction seem much more expected.

As time goes on we see Yancey finding a new path back to faith and grace and hope. We hear how he tries to bridge a massive gap between his mother and his brother. We see him trying to reconcile with the life he had and the life he ends up with.

IT is a good read, it makes you feel and think. And there is a good story told along the way.

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