Another random find this time.
I started reading this on in the early fall when working on a worship series around environmental stewardship. Then took a break from it for other things and finished it in December.
To be honest it almost felt like the two parts of the book could be separate books in and of themselves, maybe as a two volume set. There were some linkages between them and Bass does a good job of highlighting those links in the conclusion, but in the end it felt like two books on a similar theme melded into one book.
I really appreciated the beginning discussion of the primary question of "Where Is God?" as it kept popping up in the book. I do agree with Bass that this is a key question as we move forward.
THe first portion on eco-theological issues is a good book. The second portion which pushes for a look on a social environmental level is also a good book. I just am not sure they work as a single volume.