Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Book 2 of 2022 Freeing Jesus

 This is a title that jumped out at me one day while browsing. And since I have always enjoyed Diana Butler Bass I had to give it a try.

The book is memoir theology. It is Bass describing various ways she has known Jesus through the course of her life. She describes what the image at hand has meant to her and why. She talks about how that image intersected with the event of her life. While she lists 6 basic images (all drawn from Scripture and tradition) within each image there are subsets that broaden and deepen the base image.

It is my sincere belief that every Christian is called to answer the question Jesus asks Peter "Who do you say I am?' for themself. I also believe that at various times in our lives different aspects of who Jesus is is the focus of our answer. Jesus is not, as Scripture tries to suggest, the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Jesus, like any other person, has many different sides. Jesus is the way God reaches into our lives and addresses the big questions we have. My questions are not the same as your questions. They may not even be the same as the questions I had 30 years ago. 

This is a good book. In reading Bass' memoir theology (and I tn to agree with her that all theology is based on our live experiences, it is all memoir to some degree) the reader is pushed to consider their own life and their own understanding of who Jesus is. I suspect that was the point all along.

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