Saturday, January 27, 2007

LEnten Worship PLanning

Well maybe planning is overstating it---musings perhaps?

I am thinking of a 4 sermon series called The Church In the World. Since we have Presbytery the first Sunday of Lent this cover up until Palm/Passion Sunday. No clue what I will do with Palm/Passion but am thinking drama. Mind you it is April 1 this year so there's gotta be a message in that....

Anyway, 4 sermons in a series:
  1. The Church In the World: WonderCafe/Emerging Spirit -- This is the campaign aimed at 30-45 year olds that the UCCan is doing-to some consternation. It is also the theme of our Presbytery meeting.
  2. The Church In the World: Witness/Testimony
  3. The Church In the World: IN But Not OF -- the ongoing struggle to be in the world but not worldly. Some of H. Richard Neibuhr's stuff on Christ and Culture might be helpful here, but then I would have to reread it (ugh)
  4. The Church In the World: Poverty and Wealth--This Sunday is the story of the woman and the perfume and Judas saying "why waste the money"

1 comment:

  1. looks like a great series Gord- I particularly like the look of the last one- are you going to blog these???? (please...)
