Monday, January 08, 2007

Words Wanted (Addendum)

In reference to the last post, here is what I have come up with. I am not sure I want to use it though...

Here in this place of worship we gather in the name of God the Creator, the Redeemer and Sustainer.
Here we dedicate this sound system equipment to the service of God.
Let us pray:
Creating and Re-Creating God, we give thanks for the gifts of all who have gone before us. We give thanks for all who are here now. We give thanks for the promise of gifts that have yet to be shared. Today we pause to remember all those who have given gifts in memory of loved ones now gone. Today we give thanks that because of those memorials we can enrich the life of this faith community. May this equipment help to offer all who are a part of this faith community a fuller worship experience. And may we be encouraged to raise voices in praise in response to hearing God’s promise, God’s hope, and God’s love. Amen.


  1. seems quite good, gord.

    i wonder, in the light of the cana text, about referring to one act of generosity blessing the lives of so many others and in unpredictable ways. thanking god for the ways the lives and gifts of those who've gone before have, likely in ways they never would have expected, inspired the generosity of those still here who's gift(s), likely in ways they can't even imagine, will inspire the faithulness of who knows how many more, the cycle of abundance... I think this comes through in your prayer, just musing...

  2. Also, just curious, are you in eastern or western ontario, northern or southern ontario? you, of course, don't have to share. i'm just not so far away from some parts of ontario and hence my curiosity.

  3. Officially I am in NOrthwestern Ontario--but that is because people in the Toronto area don't understand what north really means as I am the farthest south I have ever lived.

    I am 2 hours west-south-west of Lake Superior

  4. pretty far from me- but i understood differing takes on north- believe me.

  5. I like this liturgy Gord. I like the way it focuses on the equipment as a part of the worship - in that it makes worship a fuller, more meaningful experience for the people. After all, if you can't hear what's going on, it's hard to engage the worship, right?

    And I totally understand about the "North" question. When I was in Southern Ontario at school, folks used to ask me why I didn't drive home on the weekends. Hmmm...because it takes a full two days to drive here! Ontario is a HUGE province.

    How many times could you fit Texas into Ontario??? I'm thinking at least twice...
