- Wearing Still in the pyjamas, watching TV with the kids.
- Pondering Sheep (sermon for Sunday) and camp service for next week
- Reading Jim Wallis "God's Politics"
- Dreaming Hm, truly I never remember my dreams. But I know they woke me up last night
- Eating Guess I should have breakfast. There is some leftover pizza calling my name.
Friday, April 27, 2007
The Friday Five
What Are You...
Monday, April 23, 2007
AN Opening Prayer
The following is our opening prayer for next Sunday--Good Shepherd Sunday. The congregational responses use John 10, Psalm 23 and Isaiah 53. Feel free to borrow if it strikes your fancy (however unlikely that may be).
God, there are many paths, many people calling “Follow Me”, many claim to know the way to fulfillment.
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
It is difficult to know which way to turn.
All we like sheep have gone astray.
But when we are quiet we hear a familiar, comforting voice.
…the sheep follow him because they know his voice.
God who calls us to be part of God’s flocks and herds…
...lead us in the paths of righteousness.
In our time of worship remind us to listen for the Good Shepherd, in whose path we find that…
…goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life.
And may we dwell under the protection of the Shepherd, who taught us to pray singing…
LORD’S PRAYER (sung #959 VU)
God, there are many paths, many people calling “Follow Me”, many claim to know the way to fulfillment.
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
It is difficult to know which way to turn.
All we like sheep have gone astray.
But when we are quiet we hear a familiar, comforting voice.
…the sheep follow him because they know his voice.
God who calls us to be part of God’s flocks and herds…
...lead us in the paths of righteousness.
In our time of worship remind us to listen for the Good Shepherd, in whose path we find that…
…goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life.
And may we dwell under the protection of the Shepherd, who taught us to pray singing…
LORD’S PRAYER (sung #959 VU)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Good or Bad?? How Can you tell???
NO this isn't about making moral decisions.In discussion this afternoon we were talking about different THeological (and Biblically based) responses to ecological issues. I commented that the POV opposite to that shared by most if not all of those of us in the circle wasn't "bad theology" no matter how silly it may seem (it may be based on bad science though).
BUt in looking back on that discussion I found myself wondering. What makes "bad theology"? Is it the content or the process? Is it whether we agree???
BUt in looking back on that discussion I found myself wondering. What makes "bad theology"? Is it the content or the process? Is it whether we agree???
Earth Day Celebrations
Left the house at 9:30 this morning to prep for worship. Got home at 4:30 after having been at the church the whole time.
First there was worship, with an Earth Day focus. ThHe sermon The Earth's Easter?? went well as I examined what Easter and Easter-type transformations might mean for the Earth. Particularly well received was my encouragement to consider "throwing the net over the other side" as a metaphor for avoiding the 7 last words of many organizations--we never did it that way before.
Then there was lunch. We have a lunch after church several times a year.
Then there was a viewing of An Inconvenient Truth. Actually my second viewing since we watched it last night (always a good idea to watch a video before showing it in a group). THe only issue was that the projector had to have the brightness trned WAY up to get any picture in the dark scenes (like all the shots of Gore doing the slideshow) and so all the white shots (glaciers, ice shelves) were totally washed out. THat and there was a bit of a "hot spot" in the projector beam that showed up in the white shots to increase the wash out effect.
Then there was a time of group discussion. A big help in this was the local biologist who shared some of what he had found in loooking at precipitation and temperature patterns locally. Good talk about the issues and what can be done (as well as what stops people from changing).
All in all a good day, long but good.
First there was worship, with an Earth Day focus. ThHe sermon The Earth's Easter?? went well as I examined what Easter and Easter-type transformations might mean for the Earth. Particularly well received was my encouragement to consider "throwing the net over the other side" as a metaphor for avoiding the 7 last words of many organizations--we never did it that way before.
Then there was lunch. We have a lunch after church several times a year.
Then there was a viewing of An Inconvenient Truth. Actually my second viewing since we watched it last night (always a good idea to watch a video before showing it in a group). THe only issue was that the projector had to have the brightness trned WAY up to get any picture in the dark scenes (like all the shots of Gore doing the slideshow) and so all the white shots (glaciers, ice shelves) were totally washed out. THat and there was a bit of a "hot spot" in the projector beam that showed up in the white shots to increase the wash out effect.
Then there was a time of group discussion. A big help in this was the local biologist who shared some of what he had found in loooking at precipitation and temperature patterns locally. Good talk about the issues and what can be done (as well as what stops people from changing).
All in all a good day, long but good.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
If It Isn't Too Much Trouble...
Could we possibly get a good night's sleep once a week?????
REcently babe has been not sleeping well, waking multiple times from 3:30 on. And of course with the crib right beside our bed when babe wakes so do mom and dad.
NOw I don't sleep well at most times (something about a brain that has trouble shutting off) and toss and turn frequently. Being wakened by a baby doesn't help--especially since once awakened I often have difficulty going back to sleep.
SO if it isn't too much trouble could we all have a good night (all night) sleep?
REcently babe has been not sleeping well, waking multiple times from 3:30 on. And of course with the crib right beside our bed when babe wakes so do mom and dad.
NOw I don't sleep well at most times (something about a brain that has trouble shutting off) and toss and turn frequently. Being wakened by a baby doesn't help--especially since once awakened I often have difficulty going back to sleep.
SO if it isn't too much trouble could we all have a good night (all night) sleep?
Sunday, April 15, 2007
This is Cool!
GOt this in an e-mail:
This is a fire rainbow- the rarest of all naturally occuring atmospheric phenomena.
The picture was captured this week on the Idaho/Washington Border.
The event lasted about 1 hour.
Clouds have to be cirrus, at least 20 000 feet in the air, with just the right amount of ice crystals and the sun has to hit the clouds at precisely 58 degrees.

This is a fire rainbow- the rarest of all naturally occuring atmospheric phenomena.
The picture was captured this week on the Idaho/Washington Border.
The event lasted about 1 hour.
Clouds have to be cirrus, at least 20 000 feet in the air, with just the right amount of ice crystals and the sun has to hit the clouds at precisely 58 degrees.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Time for New Vision
Buzz Hargrove is at it again:
NOw I have been saying for a long time that the level of change needed to make a difference would come at a cost. I also believe that the auto industry could in fact choose to move with the times instead of threatening lay offs and doom.
But in the end there will be a price paid. It only remains to see who and when.
With politicians increasingly absorbing green policies into their platforms, Hargrove also attacked environmentalists who want the auto sector targeted to fight climate change...
"We stand to lose 150,000 jobs in our auto industry if the insanity of this environmental movement is allowed to continue."
NOw I have been saying for a long time that the level of change needed to make a difference would come at a cost. I also believe that the auto industry could in fact choose to move with the times instead of threatening lay offs and doom.
But in the end there will be a price paid. It only remains to see who and when.
Friday, April 13, 2007
A Dental Friday Five
Courtesy of the RGBP
1. Are you a regular patron of dentists' offices? Or, do you go
a) faithfully, as long as you have insurance, or
b) every few years or so, whether you need it or not, or
c) dentist? what is this "dentist" thing you speak of?
a, definitely a. As a child and young adult I went annually until I was no longer covered then took a bit of a "holiday" (1992-1999) until I once again had coverage. NOw I am back to annually.
2. Whatever became of your wisdom teeth? NEver had them. (insert joke here) THey simply weren't there, it is a family trait.
3. Favorite thing to eat that's BAAAAAD for your teeth. WEll I have been known to have a handful of chocolate chips--for breakfast.
4. Ever had oral surgery? Commiserate with me. Nope, lucky that way.
5. "I'd rather have a root canal than _________________." Hmmm, not sure. Never having had a root canal I don't know what would be worse...
Bonus: Does your dentist recommend Trident? Can't say as I have ever asked. But then chewing gum gives me a headache so it is kind of irrelevant.
1. Are you a regular patron of dentists' offices? Or, do you go
a) faithfully, as long as you have insurance, or
b) every few years or so, whether you need it or not, or
c) dentist? what is this "dentist" thing you speak of?
a, definitely a. As a child and young adult I went annually until I was no longer covered then took a bit of a "holiday" (1992-1999) until I once again had coverage. NOw I am back to annually.
2. Whatever became of your wisdom teeth? NEver had them. (insert joke here) THey simply weren't there, it is a family trait.
3. Favorite thing to eat that's BAAAAAD for your teeth. WEll I have been known to have a handful of chocolate chips--for breakfast.
4. Ever had oral surgery? Commiserate with me. Nope, lucky that way.
5. "I'd rather have a root canal than _________________." Hmmm, not sure. Never having had a root canal I don't know what would be worse...
Bonus: Does your dentist recommend Trident? Can't say as I have ever asked. But then chewing gum gives me a headache so it is kind of irrelevant.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Why Am I Not Surprised?
Several scholars who appeared in the documentary The Lost Tomb of Jesus — which purported that a tomb found in a Jerusalem suburb was that of Jesus of Nazareth — have backtracked on their claims, according to a report in the Jerusalem Post.
Not that the claims went FAR FAR FAR beyond what could be scientifically made or anything....
Sunday, April 08, 2007
How it Went...
SO the Weekend is over and how did worship go?
Good Friday:
Crowd was small but larger than past years. SErvice flowed well, although in listening to the recording I was reminded why I (and most others) don't like to hear myself sing. BUt with a small crowd and the accompanist being me on guitar I needed to sing into the mic for leadership purposes. The meditation on the many crosses I was happy with.
AFter worship was the walk with the cross. IT was COLD COLD COLD. My face was numb after the first stop. WE had 75-100 people at the peak--a few less than previous years. Oh and did I mention it was blessedly cold?
Easter SUnday:
I much larger crowd than I remember from last year (such cold weather encourages attendance--or discourages other activities). THe opening with "Previously, on stories of the faith..." went well. Sermon was passable at best-- a little muddy and unfocussed. WIth the larger crowd the singing was so much stronger and fuller. The real disapointment was the balloons. I had goneout yesterday afternoon and got 12 helium balloons, then set them up under blankets to be uncoveredduring the first hymn. I have seen this done before and it looks great as the balloons float to the top of their tethers as a sign of resurrection. BUt this morning we took off the blankets and they just sort of sat there. 20-21 hours after being filled they no longer floated. :( Actually I was surprised--I usually would expect at least a full day of full floatation from helium balloons.
Good Friday:
Crowd was small but larger than past years. SErvice flowed well, although in listening to the recording I was reminded why I (and most others) don't like to hear myself sing. BUt with a small crowd and the accompanist being me on guitar I needed to sing into the mic for leadership purposes. The meditation on the many crosses I was happy with.
AFter worship was the walk with the cross. IT was COLD COLD COLD. My face was numb after the first stop. WE had 75-100 people at the peak--a few less than previous years. Oh and did I mention it was blessedly cold?
Easter SUnday:
I much larger crowd than I remember from last year (such cold weather encourages attendance--or discourages other activities). THe opening with "Previously, on stories of the faith..." went well. Sermon was passable at best-- a little muddy and unfocussed. WIth the larger crowd the singing was so much stronger and fuller. The real disapointment was the balloons. I had goneout yesterday afternoon and got 12 helium balloons, then set them up under blankets to be uncoveredduring the first hymn. I have seen this done before and it looks great as the balloons float to the top of their tethers as a sign of resurrection. BUt this morning we took off the blankets and they just sort of sat there. 20-21 hours after being filled they no longer floated. :( Actually I was surprised--I usually would expect at least a full day of full floatation from helium balloons.
It's A New Day to Celebrate
AS the sun throws its light over the world it reveals an empty tomb and a great mystery.
"You are looking for JEsus of Nazareth. HE is not here, he has been raised"
Christ is Risen! Life wins again, light conquers darknesss!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
A Blessed Easter to one and all.
"You are looking for JEsus of Nazareth. HE is not here, he has been raised"
Christ is Risen! Life wins again, light conquers darknesss!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
A Blessed Easter to one and all.
Friday, April 06, 2007
It Is Finished!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Who Wants TO Chip in On This??
KITT (Knight Industries 2000) is for sale!
A mere $150 000 (US) for a great big prop. But the show was pretty cool!
A mere $150 000 (US) for a great big prop. But the show was pretty cool!
Telemarketing MAnners
Why do telemarketers seem obliged to argue? What is it about "I'm not interested thank you" that is so hard to understand.
Tonight got a call which started out:
"Good Evening I am calling on behalf of ###### to offer you a deal on High Speed Internet"
"I'm not interested thank you"
"What do you currently use for internet"
"I'm not interested thank-you, I do not buy anything offered through telemarketing"
"Iam not selling sir"
"yes, you are offering me internet service and I do not buy anything offered through telemarketing or direct mail as I find those things annoying and rude"
"BUt then we will lose our jobs sir"
At that point I am afraid I got a little bit more abrupt then I should have and the line went dead. Now I understand that this is their job to make sales. But when the person says that they are not interested and that they do not buy anything offered this way do you really think arguing will help your cause?
Oh wel, at least he didn't assume I was too dim to understand what he was offering--I have had credit card sellers say that to me.
Tonight got a call which started out:
"Good Evening I am calling on behalf of ###### to offer you a deal on High Speed Internet"
"I'm not interested thank you"
"What do you currently use for internet"
"I'm not interested thank-you, I do not buy anything offered through telemarketing"
"Iam not selling sir"
"yes, you are offering me internet service and I do not buy anything offered through telemarketing or direct mail as I find those things annoying and rude"
"BUt then we will lose our jobs sir"
At that point I am afraid I got a little bit more abrupt then I should have and the line went dead. Now I understand that this is their job to make sales. But when the person says that they are not interested and that they do not buy anything offered this way do you really think arguing will help your cause?
Oh wel, at least he didn't assume I was too dim to understand what he was offering--I have had credit card sellers say that to me.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Easter Liturgy
So next Sunday is Easter. I have here the opening of our service (all the other liturgy pieces I "borrowed" from other sources). It is pretty basic, but if you find it useful please feel free to borrow at will.
Two women go out to honour a dead friend,
The tomb is empty! What’s happened?
Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen Indeed!
This is the day that the Lord has made.
Let us Rejoice and be glad in it!
*HYMN #157 Christ the Lord is Risen Today
God, in the beginning you said, “let there be light.”
And there was light but there was also darkness.
On this first day again we hear, “let there be light.”
Light that conquers the deepest darkness, life that conquers death.
Christ who once was dead lives again.
And in that life lies our promise of life everlasting.
Alleluia! Alleluia! We join in the song of angels.
May this indeed be the day of rebirth and new life for us, for our world, for all of creation. Amen.
Organ Prelude
Two women go out to honour a dead friend,
The tomb is empty! What’s happened?
Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen Indeed!
This is the day that the Lord has made.
Let us Rejoice and be glad in it!
*HYMN #157 Christ the Lord is Risen Today
God, in the beginning you said, “let there be light.”
And there was light but there was also darkness.
On this first day again we hear, “let there be light.”
Light that conquers the deepest darkness, life that conquers death.
Christ who once was dead lives again.
And in that life lies our promise of life everlasting.
Alleluia! Alleluia! We join in the song of angels.
May this indeed be the day of rebirth and new life for us, for our world, for all of creation. Amen.
Best of the Year
For the best April Fool I have seen this year check this out!
WOrds fail me, but laughter sure didn't.
WOrds fail me, but laughter sure didn't.
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