Tuesday, August 21, 2007

SHould I or Shouldn't I?

In three weeks the church by the river is having a congregational meeting to look at where we are going. My best hope is that out of that we will have a group (the bigger the better) who are ready to do some intentional work around visioning, around assessing needs. Oh and some ideas for concrete things to do might be nice too, but may need to be a second step.

LAst week I had a thought. What if, instead of a sermon that morning we had a drama. A bunch of people planning a canoe trip (this is the canoeing capital of Canada after all) and debating what route to take, what to take with them etc.

The problem, at least in my mind, is that as I envision how this drama might play out I realize that it is, shall we say, less than subtle. Being too heavy-handed might be a bad thing or is it?

ROute, cargo, destination--those are important for travelling. But they are also vital for a community vision.


  1. Get the General Council resource Embracing Transformation resource, which has just such an exercise (for the whole service!)--it worked very well for Little Church on the Corner.

  2. What Peter said. Our canoe service was amazing. People still talk about it as a lively start to an important process of visioning.

  3. Oh, and we brought a canoe into the sanctuary. It was very cool.
