Friday, May 05, 2006

Updated Status

HAd the ultrasound this AM. All appeared normal, lots of fluid, baby measures out to 35 weeks, placenta fine. BUt this is a bigger baby. #1 was 6lb13oz at full term. #2 was 7lb2oz at 38 wks. Ultrasound machine calculates this one at 6lb8oz at 35 weeks. TEchnincian was going to call the Dr. with results and then (I assume) the Dr. will call Patty.

Thanks all for the thoughts and prayers. AMazing things these virtual communities. I average around 20 visits a day on SIte Meter, already today it reads 49. Yesterday was over 70 (the 100 visits on record only go until 8EDT last night). THanks all.

Update: (2:55 CDT)
AS I arrived home from a funeral Dr. was on the phone. NO real concerns other than size of baby (weight doesn't match gestational age). A message has been left with our OB for when he returns to town. BUt no prescription of bedrest as yet. Possible that OB will want to explore further...


  1. Gord, is Patty on bedrest? I hope you have all the help you need with the little girls.
    Continued prayers for you all.

  2. Thanks be to God for the encouraging update. Prayers continuing...

  3. Thanks for the update. Keep in mind that the Mrs might be a bit nervous about getting a baby out that is already over 6 lbs at 35 weeks. They gain a pound a week from now on...

  4. The birth will be c-section no matter the size so it is less of a worry will smama. But certainly size seemed way out of line to us as well. Another possibility is that the ultrasound calculation was off--I have known those guesses to be wildly inaccurate.

  5. They can be. God's Grace, man.

  6. Oh yeah, those calculations can definitely be off.

    Still praying (and VERY pro c-section).

  7. Glad to hear baby is staying put for now. We'll look forward to hearing what the OB says.
