Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Journey Begins

Today I am starting the "Bible in 90 Days" process, as are a number of people in the congregation. Lets see how many days I have to "Make up" because I missed the day before...


  1. Wonderful, Gord! I hope you and your congregation get as much out of the experience as we did. Keep us posted on your progress!

  2. Anonymous6/2/06 05:49

    Hi, Gord...

    This is the third year that we've done a "Bible in a Year" programme. It has probably been one of the most vital parts of our life as a worshipping community - and the questions that come out of it! Yow!

    Have fun.

    b/p - Richard B.

  3. Anonymous6/2/06 15:17


    30 days into this I say it's been fantastic. At first it was a bit hard for me, but I've found my rythym and really look forward to reading each day.

