Friday, July 07, 2006

A Short Friday 5

A Short meme for what was for many a shortened week:tell us about five noteworthy Short things in your life.(Be liberally imaginative.)
  1. Short People Oh so many vertically challenged people I have known. I was the shortest or second shortest in my class throughout much of Grades 1-9. ANd if one talks about temper then I still am at times
  2. Short Hops 1...2...3...fall on my face (that is the limit of my athletic prowess)
  3. Short Stories One of my favourites is The Lady or the Tiger although I must admit that I got rather tired of every year being assigned to write an ending to it (as we were in Grades 7-9). Oh and then there is the one that Michael wrote in For Better or For Worse years ago (when he was about 9): "Some kids got lost but wer found. The End"
  4. Short Lists Our shopping list. We always go to buy milk. $75 later... (It was even more noticeable when Patty was pregnant and we had coupons for free milk)
  5. Short Stops Isn't that a position in baseball?


  1. Coupons for milk for pregnant women?

    Man, Canada rocks.

  2. Wow. It really does. How are the employment opportunities in the UCCan? (Not that we would qualify for the milk coupons.)

  3. THe milk coupons are a project of the local health unit (I have no idea how widespread it it in Ontario). I suspect that it originally was aimed at lower-income people but is now part of general pre-natal care. The Native Friendship Centre here also ran a free fruit program (probably aimed at First Nations but braodened in this context). My sister thought it was terribly unfair that we got these things and she didn't.

  4. I can relate to the shopping trips, short list, big shop- how does that happen?
