Thursday, November 19, 2015

NaBloPoMo -- Remembering

Me o my.  I have been following NaBloPoMo prompts from two different sources and while some days neither inspires me, today they both do.  So here is number 1, from BlogHer:
Thursday, November 19
Where would you want to retire if money wasn't an issue?
 And honestly this one is a nice follow up from  Tuesday's post about Travel wishes.  Because my answer is that I would love to travel freely. Set up a home base of some sort but travel.  At least for the first year or two spend half the year (maybe as a total, not necessarily continuous) travelling and visiting, both domestically and internationally.

But where would that home base be?

I think it would still be the Canadian Prairies.  I am really a Prairie boy at heart.  And there is something to be said about the comfort of the familiar.

ALthough really in the end it would depend on family connections....

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